Information report

by Hannah Chronis  


There are different kinds of disasters a volcano is a Geological disaster. Geo means land and so that means us humans can’t cause it. Volcanoes can be found all around the world. There are over 1,510 or more active volcanoes  in the world. Volcanoes all all around the world how knows when it will erupt. 


Some different kinds of volcanoes  are 

. Cinder cones – Cinder cones are a circular or a different thing which is a oval. How they are made is from tiny parts of lava that’s come from the volcano. 

. Composite 

. Caldera – it remains of a volcano after it erupts. 

. Shield Volcanoes – It is  the biggest but also most gently volcano formed by magma and sloppy parts of lava. 

And the last one is 

LAVA volcanos – Which is formed by magma and running  lava spilling out from a volcano. 

The most 3 recent  volcanoes have not come in the 2000 jet but how knows. Now some of them are from 

. Indonesia the volcano was called Agung and that was in 1963 

. Mexico and the volcano name for that was the EL chichon which  happened in 1982 

. Columbia the name of the volcano is Nevado Del Ruiz

All of the name sounds so different and  unique. 



. How volcanoes  are formed is because magma which is from the earth workers it’s way down to the surface. And in that surface it is erupts. It erupts because magma comes up from the crust which cause homes damaged buildings destroyed shops been  crushed and people having to find new places to live. This is not good for people or land.


  1. When it erupts it causes damage such as knocking down trees and plants which we need for oxygen from the forest 

. Makes the weather really bad and makes us cold. A volcano damages homes, roads, places, country’s, land, earth, and homes.

2. Volcanic eruption emits a lot of ash  but it is sometimes good for fertilise plants and crops but not good for us humans and animals. For animals they lose their place to live and humans as well but have to move to other places in cold and wet. It gives us toxic  gas and can make us really hurt.

3. Once a volcanic eruption cloud reaches to 30,000 meters high it is not good at all because it cause gas in the air and people get sick. 

Fast Facts 

  1. If you have no idea where the name volcano comes from well it comes from the ancient Roman named  Vulcan and that means old/ god of fire. 

2. In a volcanoes hole they have magma. And magma is liquid in a rock when it leaves the volcano and now know called  lava. 

Free School ‘Introduction to volcanoes for kids YouTube year  2015

Weather Wizz Kids

Science For Kids

The Worst Volcanic Eruptions Of All Time book


Nativity review 

Learning the story was very interesting and very fun to learn. Not only is it happy but also sad because people like king heard wanted to kill Jesus and that was not right. Everyone should have a chance to live that’s what I think and I will think it is very true. 

Writing the scrip well that was very fun to learn them and put a lot of effort into it all of the grades did a wonderfull written for the scrip and the year 3 would definitely have a great opportunity to write  this. It teaches you how to work together with other we had to write this with partners I was with Ned and we focused on seven 1 which was about a angle named Gabriel came a told Mary that she was going to have a baby which would be the son of God. Mary was confused and didn’t believe the angle because she is not married and then the angel said you and Joseph will be married. And then she goes and tell Elizabeth for some advice from her because she is having a baby. But she is really old. Why Mary tells Elizabeth is because there cousins.  

 Script that me and Ned wrote 

 The Auditions was nerve racking at first and then it was easy after when you got the part there was such a relief. Well not all people got what they wanted but I was lucky I got my second chose and that is Elizabeth as you all know. I tried out for Mary and that what I really whatevs but I didn’t get that but that didn’t stop my from trying. I Auditioned for Elizabeth and guess it payed off. I was really happy I got Elizabeth as days grow by I stared to form my character.


My first rehearsal didn’t go that way I wanted it to go but then I started putting more effort and learned and learned over and over again my script. I really felt happy that I got Elizabeth I really connected in some way I really loved my scene was was in scene two it was my absolute best I put so much effort and got so much complements from 4T some off the kids and there teacher said that one of there highlights of the rehearsal was the scene when Mary told Elizabeth and there favourite character was Elizabeth I was so happy I got those complements. 

Performances I really enjoyed that it was one of the funniest things that your class did as a team we all tried so hard before Lunch we made some crops and then we set off it was the moment when we all realised how to work together I think we did amazing. I was very proud when I saw the other scenes and wonder that the year 3 are going to have so much fun doing this for next year. 

I learned heaps not just the story the details that are in it. It was the truth there was people back then that wanted to get ride of him I still have no idea why but I know a little bit it’s because it was a threat because kind Herod wanted to rule the place not the son of god. It was not right. 

Some advice I give in try your best and learn your script and not worry you will be great. 

House Carnival

House Carnival 

On your marks get set go my heart is beating as I here the words out loud I run as fast as a can. I have practiced and  practiced and I am so ready I finally go. It fells go good running with my friends. When it ended  I came 2nd  I was so proud of my self I was 

cheering  my heart out for PEMAN I really am happy that I am in PEMAN. Just because we came last it didn’t defeat us we are still all strong as a house and will really like seeing people from our house and other houses having a ball. I really enjoyed doing the sack race because we tried or best and guess what it pay off we came  1st I was so happy when I walked up those straight stairs to PEMAN.  At the peman  stand everyone was saying great job well done I felt so happy that our house can do anything if we put our mind to it. After all my 10 races I felt so determined for next year I think that we will do really well next year hope for the best. Give me a P P Give me a E E give me a M M give me a A A give me a N N. What dose that spell PEMAN. I am so proud of our team I had so much fun enjoying my races.  
