Hi my name is Hannah I have had an absolutely great time in year 5 it’s been a ball. Today I am writing about my year 5 time so far this is term 1 so I have many memories to make in toe at 5 I know it.

Now I am going to be telling you what thinking I have been loving in year 5.

I am absolutely amazed by the careness in year 5 you always have support every where you go Year 4 this is will the best year in jenor school. You can always ask anyone at any time if you have no idea what you are doing teachers come in handy in Year 5.

APS is won of the most favourite activities in year 5 sports. You can make close relationships with others. You never get  bored. You go out off your  Comfort  zone  there is no minute to wast. It dosent matter if your the fast or the best sports person it matters if you have a good mind set to keep going.

Somthing that helps in year 5. Is if you have a good teacher. Our teacher is the best of the best. He is on TV  I know right it’s AMAZING. Our teacher is always there for us. And a good role model to follow. I love being in 5B there is always a great moment.

Being in Penman is a great way to have a fun time and relax. I have a year 1 buddy she is so cute I love having her around. She is so funny and so sweet. Buddy’s are definitely to look forward to.


We are so lucky to have a great space to use. It’s so good and new. Our class room is full of laughter and joy. And it’s full of most importantly learning that’s what we are her for.


YEAR 5 ROX. This is definitely without a doubt the best year in  Junior school.


The Best Sport Is Footy

Surely you agree that all children should be children by playing footy   Obviously. Don’t you want your kids to have an amazing childhood. Well I sure would. And I know how it can happen so get your sit belts on and we are ready for an adventure.


All children and teens should know that footy is the best sports you have to know this by now. This helps you with your heath and to be active outside.  It in creases your health and your body. I definitely recommend this if you want to have fun. Surely everyone wants to have fun. Am I right?

You can meet new kids and friends. You can make new connections with team mates and people that you are versing. This is a great way to bound with other kids Definitely. You will always have a ball. There is never a sad time is footy. Even if you lose you still tried your best. And that’s what it is all about. Don’t you think ?


This is they key you have been looking for and gessue what i found it for you. Now you understand that footy is the best sport. Now get your runners on and go have fun. What are you waiting for. HAVE FUN. Hannah