Front Desk by Kelly Yang.
The genre of this book is world culture and family and friends.
It Touched my heart into so many emotions about fairness, it was a heart touching book. I couldn’t believe how people got treated like slaves to ungrateful, nasty people. Working all day to keep their families nourished with food and water and with a roof over there heads, sleeping in cozy beds. It made realise how fortunate we are to have everything we do especially when others struggle to have the basic needs required to survive. This book made me think twice about others needs instead of what I think I need as my life is a lot more stable. Where as others have little or nothing at all.
This book is about a girl named Mia. Mia and her parents went to America leaving everything and everyone behind in China and arriving in America with just themselves and nothing else. Mias parents went go work for Mr Yao who was a very selfish and rude person. He has a son named Jason who I just like his father selfish and rude. Mr Yao also owned a motel. Mia and her partners needed money fast for Mia school fees so they went to work for Mr Yao. Mia kept on coming up with wonderful ideas for Mr Yao’s motel which he kept on shutting down. Mr Yao would raise his voice and say that Mia was a dumb child. Mia confidence grew as she started to work at the front desk of the motel, whilst her her parents were working hard in the laundry washing and drying towels. If anything broke like a washing machine Mia’s parents had to pay to fix as Mr Yao refused to pay for anything out of his pocket, he was a very stingy person.
Mr Yao lied to Mia’s parents that he will pay them well for their work but you probably guessed it he lied to the and paid them very little to nothing at times. He would use excuses and they were left once again with nothing.
Mia and Jason went to the same school and they were constantly annoyed with each other, Jason was constantly stealing her possessions and treated her like dirt just like his father did to her family. No one believe her when she told them how cruel Jason and his father were to her and her family because she was Chinese. Jason made everyone hate her accept one girl who developed a close friendship with Mia. They joked and helped Mia’s dad at the motel at times as her friends dada was a tradie and could fix things.
Eventually Mr Yao decided to sell the motel to Mia’s parents but the question I ask you is how did they save all that money to buy the motel?
Read this book and you will know.
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