Hard Road Ahead

This term 5B have had a blast we have had a amazing experience while learning many things we  haven’t done before. Here let me take you on a wonderful experience we have all had. It all started when we got put into partners I was working with Nic. We where told we had to chose a building to make for a diorama we both really wanted the Eureka Hotel but a another group wanted the Eureka Hotel too. So me and Nic were being the bigger people and letting them have it so we chose the Criterion Store.

 This whole term was forcing in integrated the Gold Rush. 

Then we went to Sovereign Hill. We got  all packed for the 1850’s we all had a ball we learnt so much down in the mines, we learnt about rights and justice while we were there we had a booklet.  On the booklet we had actives to do. We had Map activities and a wish list so we could buy things. And most importantly notes. To jot down anything about our store we were doing so me and Nic went into the Criterion and added notes so when we came back to make our diorama so we both had ideas what we could  put in the store. We meant about the eureka and learnt about the gold mines 

Then we had a school program which was posh and 1850’s style. Then when we got back we  hit diorama making while making we were told to make a second small place on the diggings we choice the Waterloo we both originally wanted to make the Eureka Stockade for our 2nd square but we we’re adaptable and changed but really happy at the end with our outcome. 

Some PLA’s we had to to use was 

. Creative = to come up with ideas to make our diorama 

. Collaboration = to work together to get things done 

. Resilience = to make sure we could help other if there’s wasn’t done 

These PLA’s are what we had use for our diorama making. 

This hole until has been and rid we have all out our heart into learning new things and the Eureka stockade and the important dates that happened in Ballarat also the gold rush we also learnt about. We went to a museum where we saw the real flag from the stockade – sadly some parts are missing. And I learnt about Henry Wise at the museum.  We had been given a person and we learnt about them on these screens. 

We have learnt about what is was like back then. We went panning and I was lucky enough to find gold. This whole until I had to show 

. Resilience = to step into someone else’s shoes 

. Learning Carefully = listening to important key dates and people 

. Courage = to make a realistic diorama 

The year 5’s are now getting ready to act a play set on the gold rush 

Do you know anything about the gold rush if so what?  



Tuck everlasting review

Tuck Everlasting 

 Tuck everlasting is a book from Natalie Babbitt. About a girl named Winnie wanting adventure wanted to live the world with mystery and freedom from her ruthless family asking her to be someone she is not, asking her to be GIRLLY GIRL. But there always a Hidden secret in a book well that is the  infinity water, a water to make you live forever well that’s the tucks, a secret need to be kept. Do they keep it? Once apart of the wheel always apart of it, your in it for life. We are like stones following sheep all together as one in wired ways we are all connected, you might not know but wired things end up in wired ways. One theme is resilience and to be courages and if you want something you got to fight for it. And also don’t be someone your not. 

Yes Winnie had a personality selfish and rude, but everyone has there reason we are all human beens we all make mistakes but it’s the decision we make. But we think wisely  or else the earth can fall to bits shaded every where. Winnie is only 11 meets a boy called Jessie Tuck falls in love but all on look at the age difference Jessie =17 Winnie =11 so he promised her a promise to be with him but what’s the secret and how do they active it? But in the book you come across ages from some of the characters that seem older than you think, like Jessie is he really 17.  But This book drops clues so listen closer. And you will find the answer to mystery questions. 

The stranger as wise as it can be, respectful,  Winnie felt a connect with him,  but true colours shine, outside he might look nice and sound good but inside there’s a greedy man selfish and can ruins tones of life’s. But how would he do that? Why I am saying this is because he arrived at the fosters home and was all friendly by greeting then with kindness but never said his name would you trust a stranger ? Well people are not who the think they are. 

Treegap a wheel not a simple wheel a special wheel. What does it hold? we’ll see, we are all related in some way, the tucks and Winnie have a special connection one that holds many secrets, the tucks call her apart of her family but once apart of the wheel there’s no way out, and if something goes wrong with one of the people the wheel will break, in some form of way you need each other. So how is the stranger and Winnie related well you got to find out, and what happens next? 

Tuck everlasting is a book you need to read without a doubt you would not be able to put it done, magic feels the air and things come alive danger is one its way, but how do they solve it? And do they need each other? Well that I will leave up to you to read. 

Remember who would you trust Winnie , Tucks , Stranger, But chose wisely or things start you go bad?  



Market review


This experience helping things that need to get helped with is AMAZING ( The James Macready – Bryan Foundation.) Our group has had to go through so many challenges meaning. Working as a team , listening to each other. 

We are a strong team only if we help each other and work together I believe we can do it together as a team. The things we have made already is drawing in a frame. And now starting to make key rings. Someone that has stand out to me and has put a lot of effort in is Eleanor she has been drawing so many drawings and has helped a lot. She has contributed masively and gave nice advices to our group. 

The donations are. So cameron = rebel asking them to donate to us, Billy = just jars sadly they sent back and said they can’t donate, Eleanor = mum to come to the market, Annelise = art and craft asking them to donate to us, and me I asked Kmart to donate. 

This will help a lot if they donate. Can’t wait to hear the response. 

Things that’s are going great is making drawings and our Lollie pop add which we did together. I can’t wait to see the end products revile. 




Nativity review 

Learning the story was very interesting and very fun to learn. Not only is it happy but also sad because people like king heard wanted to kill Jesus and that was not right. Everyone should have a chance to live that’s what I think and I will think it is very true. 

Writing the scrip well that was very fun to learn them and put a lot of effort into it all of the grades did a wonderfull written for the scrip and the year 3 would definitely have a great opportunity to write  this. It teaches you how to work together with other we had to write this with partners I was with Ned and we focused on seven 1 which was about a angle named Gabriel came a told Mary that she was going to have a baby which would be the son of God. Mary was confused and didn’t believe the angle because she is not married and then the angel said you and Joseph will be married. And then she goes and tell Elizabeth for some advice from her because she is having a baby. But she is really old. Why Mary tells Elizabeth is because there cousins.  

 Script that me and Ned wrote 

 The Auditions was nerve racking at first and then it was easy after when you got the part there was such a relief. Well not all people got what they wanted but I was lucky I got my second chose and that is Elizabeth as you all know. I tried out for Mary and that what I really whatevs but I didn’t get that but that didn’t stop my from trying. I Auditioned for Elizabeth and guess it payed off. I was really happy I got Elizabeth as days grow by I stared to form my character.


My first rehearsal didn’t go that way I wanted it to go but then I started putting more effort and learned and learned over and over again my script. I really felt happy that I got Elizabeth I really connected in some way I really loved my scene was was in scene two it was my absolute best I put so much effort and got so much complements from 4T some off the kids and there teacher said that one of there highlights of the rehearsal was the scene when Mary told Elizabeth and there favourite character was Elizabeth I was so happy I got those complements. 

Performances I really enjoyed that it was one of the funniest things that your class did as a team we all tried so hard before Lunch we made some crops and then we set off it was the moment when we all realised how to work together I think we did amazing. I was very proud when I saw the other scenes and wonder that the year 3 are going to have so much fun doing this for next year. 

I learned heaps not just the story the details that are in it. It was the truth there was people back then that wanted to get ride of him I still have no idea why but I know a little bit it’s because it was a threat because kind Herod wanted to rule the place not the son of god. It was not right. 

Some advice I give in try your best and learn your script and not worry you will be great. 

Our Science Experiment Text

1.  What were the highlights?

Working as a group, learning about strength and how long some elastic bands  can go with different thickness but same length. learning about scientists, Asking scientific questions. Being curious about science.



What were the challenges? Trying not to have any  variables, sometimes it was really hard to agree on some things for  our experiment.Trying to get the same length but different thickness. Our idea being changed it was originally same thickness different length.

How you solved the challenges? 

We discuss your different ideas and put them together. 

Changing a mistake on our experiment planning sheet.

Asking the teacher for help for when we had a confusion on the experiment plan.

Things that you learned from doing the experiment?

That experiments can have a different results than other hypothesis.

That hypothesis are not always right. Learning new words and thinking like scientists.

Self correcting ourselves when we made mistakes.

We realised that our hypothesis was wrong.

And we learned from our mistakes. Continue reading Our Science Experiment Text

Science incursion

On Tuesday the 7th of August we had a Sensational science  incursion as we were walking up the most  gorgeous beautiful stairs if was so fun to experience looking and experiencing  senior school. As we arrived at the cool high tech lab and our teacher was called Mrs O’Conner. It turns out she teaches 10,11, 12s. We did some cool worksheets on metal and non-metal we were with partners and we did it together some off the materials that was on the sheet was tin, nickel, rubber, copper, cardboard, wood, plastic and aluminium. And the things we had to wear so we would get things in our eyes and  uniform was a super cool lab coat and safety goggles.  On the table we were seating on, we had a lot of boxes containing the materials as I told you what they were. It was a great, terrific, cool science adventure

What do you like about science?

From Hannah